Hi, I'm John Sabatico

I am that "Jack of all trades, but master of none".

I am also the problem solver and the firefighter each team needs.

Good at most jobs but best at none.

Each team has a star to elad it, and then good performs to bring value. I'm the second.

#softwaredevelopmet #datasecurity #teamleading #systemsadministration #sales #presales #professionalservices


My finished projects

website & web-app

DLP testing and test automation tool

Concise, tailored, easy to use website for DLP professionals. Ensures quick ad-hoc testing and provides endpoint automation means for scheduled jobs.

Tech stack:

  • Back: Python, Flask, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy (Postgres)
  • Front: Jinja2, vanilla JS
  • Endpoint app: Python, Flask, Electron, Selenium WebDriver

Appliance Tool
Appliance Tool


Forcepoint Appliances Management Tool

Feature rich web server with means for centralized appliances managemenet. Ansible like. Uses SSH to interact with remote systems

Tech stack:

  • Back: Python, Flask, Celery, SQLite
  • Front: Jinja2, vanilla JS


Private Tutors' Assistant

Tailored portal for private tutors. Easy students scheduling, homework planning and payments tracking

Tech stack:

  • Back: Python, Flask, MongoDB, Babel
  • Front: Jinja2

Endpoint Tool
Endpoint Tool


Forcepoint Endpoints TS Tool

Native app that helps quickly troubleshoot Forcepoint DLP Endpoints. Logs parser, config management, services checks, etc.

Tech stack:

  • APP: Python, Tkinter, SQLite


companies I worked for

Current love:
  and a few more ...

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