Hi, I'm John Sabatico
I am that "Jack of all trades, but master of none".
I am also the problem solver and the firefighter each team needs.
Good at most jobs but best at none.
Each team has a star to elad it, and then good performs to bring value. I'm the second.
#softwaredevelopmet #datasecurity #teamleading #systemsadministration #sales #presales #professionalservices
My finished projects
website & web-app
DLP testing and test automation tool
Concise, tailored, easy to use website for DLP professionals. Ensures quick ad-hoc testing and provides endpoint automation means for scheduled jobs.
Tech stack:
- Back: Python, Flask, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy (Postgres)
- Front: Jinja2, vanilla JS
- Endpoint app: Python, Flask, Electron, Selenium WebDriver

Forcepoint Appliances Management Tool
Feature rich web server with means for centralized appliances managemenet. Ansible like. Uses SSH to interact with remote systems
Tech stack:
- Back: Python, Flask, Celery, SQLite
- Front: Jinja2, vanilla JS
Private Tutors' Assistant
Tailored portal for private tutors. Easy students scheduling, homework planning and payments tracking
Tech stack:
- Back: Python, Flask, MongoDB, Babel
- Front: Jinja2

Forcepoint Endpoints TS Tool
Native app that helps quickly troubleshoot Forcepoint DLP Endpoints. Logs parser, config management, services checks, etc.
Tech stack:
- APP: Python, Tkinter, SQLite
companies I worked for

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